


Regiments are clans / guilds in game. If you are looking at getting deeper in the game and playing with the bigger toys, then a regiment is the best option. Our listing process is manual right now. Reach out with the content you’d like to see below to Shylor#0001 on Discord.

Colonials (Green)


[WLL] Winter Legion Logistics - KronusWinters

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Large Scale Public Logistics - Cannonsmoke, Red River - Public Squad “WL LC” or “WLL”
The WLL is a regiment dedicated to large scale public logistics. Our goal is to get anything we can to the front as fast as we can. We are an easy going, laid back regiment. We enjoy mentoring new players and help other regiments out when we get the chance. If you see us, be sure to say hello.

Wardens (Blue)

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